I have been so busy I haven't even had time to read blogs much less write in mine.
I have been: (In no particular order)
1)Painting another bedroom, buying a bed and bedding. Now I have a guest room - although I am considering moving into there myself after M3 goes to school next fall - it's in a different part of the house and I can almost close off the back bedrooms and maybe save a little on heat. The room is much bigger - but futher from the family bath (no master bath in this house) - so we'll see.
2)Visiting with M2 daughter - who I wrote about in previous post. She has had meds changed and is doing sooooo well - It is so wonderful to see her blossom into a self assured young women - she's witty too! Had M1 son over while she was home - gosh it was fun to have them all here.
3)Working two jobs - I'm getting confused - which job is tomorrow and what tasks are on my list? Really - each job has two companies involved so it's easy to get mixed up - who does this bill go to? Am expecting to give up the Camp Sherman job in the next month or so - I will miss the location and the drive - but not the uncertainty!
4)I went hog wild - new cell service. M3 and I had same provider - but when she goes to college in the fall she will be out of range - can you believe it - something about being away from home for more than 50% of the time - and they would cancel her and charge us for the left over contract...so I paid off the contract and went with Verizon - M2 is already a Verizon customer so we brought her over to our new family plan - and it will save us all money and we get better phones and much better service. What a deal.
5)I went hog wild again - bought a new computer - had to - my old laptop was at the end of it's daily useful life. But since you can't buy a new computer without Vista on it - I've spent the last day trying to get everything installed and/or copied from my old computer. The Easy Transfer Software isn't...But I'm almost there (Copying my iTunes folder as we speak!) I also had to buy new Office - OMG - but I got the home edition - decided I didn't need Publisher and bought Outlook separately - less expensive and girls can upgrade thier laptops too.
6) I haven't been knitting much - but a little on the Celtic Cardigan. But look what Barb (bloggless) did....
16 Beanies for Preemies!!! OMG but they are cute
The boys at the High School had their big night last Thursday - they raised $13,000 for the NICU - and thanked all the knitters!
7)Tomorrow I'm gardening - have to get going - although it's been freezing here at night - so no pots out yet, but the Round-up has to get started on those weeds and the lawn needs Weed and Feed.
I hope you are all well and enjoying the spring. I've been going to fast to really enjoy it - but soon!
Knit Peace
Life does have a way of doing that to us. Just ask how I know...
Wow, you have been busy!
Thanks for making time to blog. You are a real dynamo!
Wow, you ARE busy. A busy bee like me. I'm ready for a vacation tho... next week. I will then disappear for a whole week. ;-)
Technology is wonderful, but often ends up taking more time than less with all the maintenance. I hope your new computer works out well!
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