Monday, October 25, 2010

Winter has arrived on the High Desert!

I had a great weekend. Didn’t start out so great – got a bit of food poisoning Thursday night – so slept all day Friday. The Nurse was home for a long weekend so missed a day with her, but the sleep was wonderful. Family came for dinner on Saturday – the Nurse made Chicken and Dumplings! Yum - great comfort food for a raining evening.

While listening to the rain on the roof I realized that my gutters hadn’t been cleaned…you know that little list of chores you keep back in your head? I’m great for saying “later.” Well because of my reluctance to do these chores on time (but wait – I did get most of the leaves picked up), my patio was flooded and the gutters overflowing. A little rain never hurt anyone – so Sunday I tackled the gutters. Wet and dirty work – but they now flow very nicely thank you. Who says girls can’t take care of things!

I actually spent most of the day Saturday and Sunday napping and knitting. Did something weird with the heel on the Flying Geese socks, so ripped out a bunch. Looks much better now. Juno is coming along – good mindless knitting at this point.

Am planning menus for my get-a-way, deciding what books to read and what knitting projects to bring….who am I kidding? I hope we get snowed in! Only three more weeks!

A great laugh if you missed SNL….

Hug the ones you love!


roxie said...

At least you get the clear cold days in December when the sun shines so bright it hurts. And the start of winter puts us that much closer to spring!

Enough with that food poisoning - OK?

Rhonda the Stitchingnut said...

One thing always seems to get forgotten on that 'to do' list in our heads. Remind me to shut off the out door water spouts, drain, cover & put the hoses away. That's the last one on my list (I think) until I realize I forgot something.