Sunday, July 02, 2006

A busy bee

I have accomplished a lot this weekend...not as much as I had hoped - but progress was made. The lawns got mowed and fertilized, flowers planted and deadheaded. My veggie garden is a bust at this point - it looks so sick I'm embarressed. It'll take a few weeks before it is ready for pictures.

I did manage to knit a little - did a new Ipod carrier - used the Sock Candy that I got at Black Sheep - if I'd gotten another skein I could have done socks - but this was fun a quick.

I also worked on my Trekking socks - although we didn't Trek any further than the hammock. Will finish one tonight and hopefully get a good start on the second.

In anticipation of The Traveling Stash visiting my house, I did look at my Private Reserve - I almost started something else - but decided that two things on the needles at a time is enough for me. So little time - so much I want to knit!!

But I did sort things out, found some new ideas and decided what I could sacrifice.
Is the Sisterhood really coming to visit me?


Rhonda the Stitchingnut said...

It is so satisfying to get all the yarn work done isn't it? And then lay back and enjoy the view. Have a Happy 4th of July!

Anonymous said...

I think that Sock Candy looks really nice wrapped around your Ipod. It's nice to knit with, isn't it?

Rhonda the Stitchingnut said...

I notice that I said "yarn" work instead of "yard" work ... whoa, guess you know what's usually on my mind while I do YARD work, huh? hehe

Sheryl said...

I love that Trekking color! I must get some for myself.

Annie said...

That stash will come sometime! I'm back on the stick!