Life is good! I’m loving working full time (love the paycheck even more!), the job is fun, challenging and I know I’m making a difference. The boss reminds me of that often – it is so nice to hear that you are appreciated! But I have been so busy I’ve hardly knit a stitch – actually I didn’t knit a stitch for three days as I had a huge project to get finished – of course all spur of the moment and unexpected. But it got completed and presented to the powers that be – if all goes well we will be back in the “preservation ranch” business. Which means a long time job – yea.
Speaking of jobs – REI girl (I’ve decided to rename the kids – Morgan is “The Geek”, Molly is “REI Girl” and Marianne is “College Girl” – silly isn’t it!) – she is expecting to be hired full-time. Her interviewees told her it was the ‘best interview’ they’d ever done and ‘would she be around for at least 6 months?’ All this is a huge boost to her self esteem – something is finally really working out for her. As they say “you are only as happy as your unhappiest child” – so I am happy happy happy! She will be able to keep her apartment, keep busy and work on her life! If she wants to go back to school (I think she does) she can take a few classes in the evening next fall. This could really work out for her and I’m so pleased for her – even if it doesn’t , the comments from her bosses were terrific!
I braved the icy roads last night and went to dinner at The Geeks – REI Girl was there too. It was so nice just to spend a little time with the ‘big kids’ – that doesn’t happen very often so it was very special. We’ve had real winter weather recently – actually Bend and the Cascades has had winter weather – Redmond which is only 15 miles away has escaped most of it – unfortunately because I love the snow.
Not the Ice which really coated the highway last night – but studs and four wheel drive get me most places! But I do hate the ice – I’m actually more worried about the other guy who’s not paying attention and who thinks because he drives a big SUV he can go anywhere! The weatherman says another storm is lined up for the weekend.
Great - I will just hole up and knit. I plan to finish the Norgi sweater – just have to put it all together. Picture when I’m finished. Also since I haven’t been going to Weight Watchers I can finish those socks – picture then too. Have been working on the mittens and am on the palm of the second one – yes pictures will be coming soon. I’ve got future projects in mind too – Central Park Hoodie for College Girl. I was going to do it in Brown Sheep Lambs Pride – but was thinking if I could find a good ‘washable’ that might be better for her – any suggestions? I’m afraid it would get tossed into the dorm laundry! I also want to do another scarf or something for me – the kids gave me a new jacket for Christmas and I don’t have a thing to go with it – darn – just what I need – another excuse to buy yarn…maybe I should look at the stash first! Oh I just remembered I have some really pretty pink something I got last summer – it has lots of other colors in it that might work with my jacket. Oh dear another project. Oh fun – I can use the swift!! I am so easily entertained!
Well I’ve got enough wood split and plenty of fiber projects to keep me busy - so the weekend looks great. Hope all of yours is the same.
Remind me to blog about the books I’ve just read – “This I Believe” and “Eat, Pray, Love” – both wonderful – oh yea- “Knit Lit too”