Saturday, February 19, 2011

It snowed ALL day

So I had a blazing fire, a hot adult beverage and plenty of yarn. Finished this...
I copied the pattern from Alice Starmore's book Fair Isle Knitting. I love this book. I think I'm finished with hats for a little while - we'll see.

It's still snowing so I'll work on some mitts for The Nurse - she thinks she doesn't get enough knit wear because she's not living at home anymore. Looking back, she actually has the biggest collection...deprived child...

As far as the snow goes - BRING IT!


roxie said...

That is a splendid hat! Beautiful work, Julie, just beautiful. Love the colors and the way you worked them in the pattern. BRAVO!

A hot adult beverage, eh? In Denmark, when you have a cold, they make you drink boiled beer. Anything like that? :)

Rhonda the Stitchingnut said...

I'm WAY BEHIND in reading my friend's posts ... but I need to let you know now that I think this hat of yours is absolutely beautiful!