Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Moira Littlelace has a cousin

Pat - Moira has a cousin in far off Oregon!! Thanks so much for sharing with us!! This is laceweight - a wonderful copper color - a gift for Christmas - don't know who yet! I'm liking the pattern - easy to remember so easy to pick up. I plan to do a really long maybe beaded fringe. I do wish I had made it wider - but just didn't want to start over.

It has been so so hot here and tonight all the conditions are really bad for wildfire - low humidity, winds and high temp. We've got three good ones going within view. One at beautiful Elk Lake - they are evacuating the west side of the lake as we speak - it would be a real loss! So we are surrounded by copper colored skies and since Redmond is the home of the US Forest Service Air Center - the tankers are flying overhead. (We often go and watch them refill the retardent and then take off - cheap thrills!) Wildfire is a fact of life here - Bend has had quite a few devestating neighborhood fires that started as wildfires - Awbrey Hall which burned 22 homes and Skeleton come to mind. Also the huge B&B Complex fire three years ago burned 93,000 acres very near Camp Sherman where I now work. Needless to say - with the thunderstorms night before last - all these are now popping up - we can see the column from the Crater fire from the office and we've had the scanner on to be prepared if a fire is in the area - so far we've been lucky - but fire season is just getting started and with this super hot weather it could be scary this year. My boss and family had to evacuate during the B&B fire - they were weeks out of thier house!! But all was safe and Camp Sherman was OK - but that doesn't mean it will always be that way.
This is life during the summer in Central Oregon!!


roxie said...

My brother and SIL were living out of Camp Sherman when the B&B fire went through. His cabin is a poster house for forest-fire safety,(Metal roof, no brush or dry needles around the cabin, firewood stored in a seperate structure, green lawn surrouunding all the buildings, no overhanging tree limbs) and the Forest Service was able to save the place. It was months before they could get back in, because the roads were unsafe due to falling snags. It looked like a moonscape - very surreal. It's healing, though.

Peaches Littlelace is soooo pretty! Nice knitting!

Rhonda the Stitchingnut said...

Ooooo, I love the color of the scarf. It'll be wider once you block it.

I hope the fires stay away & get put out soon ... If it's not fires it's hurricanes or tornados in the summer for people to look forward too. They're warning the East Coast that we're over-due for a big hurricane hitting us.
Oh joy!

Pat K said...

Wow, a long-lost branch of the LittleLace family! I'll have to go find Moira and let her know. (She's been hiding in the closet since she got finished.) That's a really nice color, too. I'm flattered that you are doing my little pattern. Hope the fires don't get too bad.