Tuesday, January 30, 2007


I'm not liking this Google-blogger stuff - I never know what name to use as my sign on - Old blogger or New Google. I hate using my email address to sign on places - I'm getting lots more junk mail! I've thought about getting a gmail account - but then what happens to my hotmail account used to sign into everything.....When I try to comment on another blog I have to sign in again - blogger or google?
What I really wish Blogger would fix is this tiny edit window for posts - How can I make something look good if I can't see it - doesn't matter if you switch to Preview - you still can't see where the pictures are. Sorry I'm just ranting.
Very Very cold freezing fog today - my feet are ice. Since I'm working at home tonight - here at the desk - my feet are really going to freeze - I think the coldest place in the house is under my desk - OK enough complaining.
Later I can knit and finish my socks. I was thinking that STR is so wonderful - could I knit a sweater? It would drape, be comfortable and take forever. But it's something I'm going the investigate...know any patterns for such? OK I know there are still UFO on my plate - I'm getting there. Finish the socks and back to the sweater and one scarf for quick work....what a plan.
Knit Peace! (This is my new slogan - it says so much, to me anyway!)

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Did I paint? Nope - paint was rock hard and the paint store wasn't open today...stupid to not check the supply first.

But - I did cook - this great receipe for Lasagna from Sunset Magazine. It was a long time stirring - but really good. I think I'd add a quarter more ingrediants to the Ragu sauce - but it was really good for a cold day!.

Knitting? Well yes - I'm back to my STR socks..wish the colors came out better in this photo because they are really cool - I can't remember but I think they are Highland....

Pumpkin had a rough day too - sun seeking.

I actually worked today too - I'm scanning pictures to make a design book to present to the land owners of a new development. These are ideas for what the Clubhouse will look like - pictures come from here (all three) and here. My boss is designing it - but will have furnishing like these in the books. Really great for this area. It's fun looking at all the great places. Here I am copying pictures from Old Faithful Lodge in Yellowstone - and I get a call from my buddy in Montana - asking about if she can knit mittens from the sock yarn I gave her for Christmas - and guess where she is....here. I am so jealous. It is such a spectacular building...and the location isn't bad either - what fun.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Remember this....
Well now it's this...

I just wasn't liking the first one - so out it went. I've learned a big lesson with this one - never knit stranded unless you are knitting in the round - I just can't do a nice edge (nice enough for sewing seams) going back and forth....they don't look bad - but they don't look good either - too messy. How do you turn and not have too much yarn that your were carrying? I did do the sleeves in the round - wish I'd done the whole thing that way - better to do raglan sleeves too - so much easier. The sleeve seams do look good. I had a ton of ends to deal with too and I was afraid I was going to run out of yarn - but had just enough. Sweater is more toddler than baby size - but it will be great for next fall-winter. Speaking of which - winter was over here...we had a few great days. I was planning on a good walk on Thursday but put it off because I had work for my second job. Then Friday we had freezing fog - it's still here - go away...I was really enjoying the sunshine. And really looking forward to a good walk with the dog on the Deschutes, we have a favorite spot that is a short but perfect walk.
Since it looks like I'm not walking tomorrow either, I'm getting the paint brush out. The finish carpenter was here on Friday - cleaning up the mess the tile guy left in November. He laid a nice oak strip between the new tile and the old carpet - looks great. And he did a project that involved building a new wall to cover up the raw heating duct that had been gracing the entry way for the last 10 years. So tomorrow I get to repaint. Then my little remodel will be finished. I ran out of money before the new refrigerator found it's way to my kitchen - but I still am pleased with the results.
Since painting will not take up the entire day - I also hope to reorganize my knitting storage corner - I've got too much stuff just lying around. You know - patterns open, books open, yarn boxes open - etc. While I'm there I'll look for another stash busting project...I've got a niece who could use a IPod cover for her upcoming birthday - or maybe a pirate hat if I can find the right colors.
Oh yes - I've still got two scarves, a sweater and a pair of socks for me on the needles. Maybe I'll get to one of them too - you just never know what Sunday may bring. I actually have paid work to do also - darn I forgot about that!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Oh look what the mail man brought me.....from Julia.....I am so appreciative!! It is a beautiful book full of inspiring sweaters. I'll have to do some pattern adjustments as these may be a little snug for my advanced age figure!! (What happened to Weight Watchers you ask...don't). But I'd sure like to try one of these. Will add to my wish list.

Warmer here today - might get past 30!! But haven't done much knitting - but tonight is good TV so will get working on the sleeves for the Toddler sweater.

Have the day off and I accomplished a ton - FASFA forms and taxes all completed....I will get a smaller refund - (Darn those daughters for getting older)...maybe it will have to go to stash enhancement - imagine that!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The Gems of the Cascades - The Three Sisters and Broken Top
Cabin in Camp Sherman today - where I used to spend my summers
View across the Metolius River
Yep it's cold but we do know how to get around. I'm sure you've all seen the news clips of the car sliding into numerous others in Portland yesterday. The driver is a friend of my fathers and my neices happened to be there and witnessed the whole progression and called 911 - while the other Adults were busy calling thier insurance companies! Driver is OK - has huge gash on his head I hear. The girls comments were "The EMT's were so HOT!"

Portland panics in the snow. But here we are used to it.

The pictures above were all taken today - the mountains are my morning view while driving to work - too bad!!

Yes - I do knit....will have pictures soon. Am working on my STR socks FOR ME! And on a bright blue baby sweater - which is turning out toddler size - OK with me!

All is well!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Cold Cold and more cold

Last Friday morning - Minus 12 degrees - full sun and beautiful

Friday afternoon - going over the pass - icy and challenging
Today - coming home. Mt. Washington. Beautiful drive

Spent the weekend with daughter in Eugene - gosh it was cold there too - usually the Willamette Valley is a banana belt - not now - there is snow on the ground and it is coooold! Here at home on the east side of the Cascades my thermometer in the shade now says minus 5!!! It can't be that cold, but that's what is says. Edited: If I'd learn to tell the difference between C and F it would be better - try 20 degrees - it's cold but not that cold.

I hear the midwest is really suffering - Ann - am thinking about you! Power? Trees? Have been through lots of freezing rain like that growing up in Portland - I remember listening to the trees cracking under the weight of the ice - scary!

Did a little yarn browsing while in Eugene - visited a new shop - but didn't purchase anything - do I get a gold star? Didn't even knit while there. Had a great visit and did lots of other shopping. I so enjoy spending time with my kids!

Middle daughter had some wonderful news while I was gone - she got her financial award offer from Linfield - extremely generous - she can go and not have to have a full-time job and borrow money too.....I am so proud of her - most of the award is based on academic achievement - which she so deserves. I am a lucky mom to have three successful and productive kids....I have to pinch myself sometimes. I am doin the happy dance!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Who needs more socks?

This was just too good to pass up!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Camp Sherman Journey

The famous Camp Sherman bridge - HUGE fish that love bread wait for treats
My office - upstairs
View from the window - sorry for the flash
Camp Sherman Community Hall
The Woods.

Lots of snow today - everywhere - very icey here at home - and I'm going over the pass on Friday? We'll see!

Friday, January 05, 2007

Forgot the camera

No snow pictures - forgot the camera. But we're under a winter snow warning for tonight - so maybe tomorrow.
Instead - The Family....My Kids Christmas Eve above and all the Kids Christmas morning below. They've grown up way to fast!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Winter is here again - yesterday it poured - more rain than the High Desert usually receives in any month - then last night it froze and it snowed. The drive to Camp Sherman this morning was very snowy and it snowed out there all day. It was so beautiful - must remember my camera. Again - I thought I was finished with driving on snowy roads. But the slow time gives me a chance to plan and reflect -

So in 2006 I completed:
6 pairs of socks
3 scarves
1 hat
2 pairs of gloves
4 iPod covers
18 wash-dish cloths
1 bag

I started but didn't complete:
I pair Nordic mittens
Celtic Sweater
Little Lace scarf
Wave scarf
STR Socks

All of which I plan on finishing ASAP......
Mittens are 2/3rds done
Celtic Sweater back finished and fronts started - both together on single needle
Little Lace scarf - long way to go
Wave Scarf - 1/4 finished?
STR Socks - 2nd sock on the needles (I started these to have a Christmas traveling project)

I also have to knit a baby sweater this month (baby came early) -all is OK
and another iPod cover - with a Pirate design - fun.

I'd like to do a sweater for both daughters and of course get socks started for next Christmas.....see Abigail's plan.

Looking at all the other accomplishments - mine is pale in comparison! Everyone does so much! I just plod along and get done what I can. I do need to start and complete some 'big' projects - like those sweaters. I will, I will! And I want to do socks with some complicated stuff....I've got lots of patterns stashed so that shouldn't be too difficult. The projects I haven't finished are for me - so of course they get put by the wayside pretty easily - but it's now my turn!

By the way - The Sisterhood of the Traveling Stash has left Oregon and headed east....which could be anywhere!! I won't tell! Enjoy.

If I remember my camera I'll get some snow pictures tomorrow - it is so pretty.
ttfn and knit on!